This week has been a total doozy. From crazy work shenanigans to being tempted by work parties...I was living a little hell. I will say, I almost had my first meltdown. Earlier in the week, I had some crazy drama unfold at work. While it was due to some unnecessary actions on my part, I felt jilted once again with the outcome of the situation. Again, I was frustrated and could have just given up like I have done before. Or at least given up on the evening-diet or gym or both. But I didn't. I continued on to the gym after the horrendous day...and it was worth every damn minute I counted down on that f-ing elliptical.
Then, on to looking like an ass...on the same night! I got to the gym-planning to do cardio. Rob had requested I do cardio all this week to prep for my weigh-ins on Friday. I did not want to store additional water in my muscles from lifting. However, when I got to the gym, most every cardio machine was taken. Rob hates the elliptical, and refuses to let me on it (which honestly, is my favorite form of cardio-probably because it is the easiest for me!). So, trying to obey his word, I head over to the treadmills. There are 5 open....I try the first one, doesn't turn on. Neither does the second. Or the third...and you guessed it, the fourth doesn't either.
At this point, I said, "Fuck it, apparently I am not meant to get on the treadmill." I didn't head to the fifth one, because at this point I look like an idiot hopping from machine to machine...and headed straight for the elliptical. Inside I was rejoicing! But I seriously was looking like an idiot for about ten minutes, and not going to lie, it bruised my pride a bit!
Rounding out the week, on Friday, we had an amazing day of fun at work. My boss is turning 40 and we decided to celebrate in style. We decorated his office and had great perks all day long. It started with Lamar Donuts, Juice and McDonalds. Sweet...I love that shit! Um, yeah, think again, Lauren. From there, we went and saw the premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. We had won a challenge several months ago and that was our prize...and what a better day to celebrate! Well, it was an amazing movie, however, again I could not partake in the popcorn, soda and ICEE's that were floating around the theater. At this point, I was still holding strong. I sat with my Nalgene bottle and drank my water contently.
But it all paid off! I met with Rob on Friday afternoon and did my measurements. I have lost 3 pounds (currently at 126), 4 inches and 2% body fat. Hell yeah! Seriously, I am so proud of myself. I don't really feel a difference yet, but I know it is coming. Tomorrow starts the real training. Rob said this last month was just for consistency and learning. I am now on a no-dairy diet and am working out 7 days a week. 4 days lifting, 2 days cardio and one HIT with Rob. I have been doing the lifting since Saturday...and I love it!
I won't lie, I cheated a little bit this weekend...knowing that I am full steam ahead from this point on. It is beast mode time from now until April 12. Rob wants me to come in at about 110-115 very lean and cut. We have a lot of work to do. That means it is go Starbucks. No dairy. No salt. Nothing. I can make it happen, but it is going to be hard. I got this.