Thursday, March 27, 2014

Working on strength...

Strong is the new skinny. That is what "THEY" say at least. 

I am trying to believe this. 

I know I just ended my last post (that I wrote yesterday) saying that I am focusing being stronger and focusing on progress. is still hard. Here are a couple goals that I have laid out for the next three months:

Smith Squat 200lbs by 6/15
BB Deadlift 150lbs by 6/15
25 Hanging Abs/Knees by 6/15
50  REAL Mountain Climbers TRX by 6/15
50  REAL Pikes TRX by 6/15
6 BW Pull-Ups by 6/15
6 BW Dips by 6/15

112lbs by 6/15
14% BF by 6/15

SIX PACK By 6/15

I still struggle, I am human. My trainer laughed yesterday when I said I felt fat and then says, "When do you not feel fat?" Ummm...I need to chill out. I look great. I feel great. I know that as I become more fit, I am not going to see as steady results as what I have seen in the past six months. BE PATIENT, Lauren.

Today is day one of being more positive, I got this. I am throwing my scale in the garage. I refuse to be defined or discourage myself based on what the scale says. I know that I am working my ass off...and if people can't see that and appreciate it, FUCK them! I am the fittest bitch I can be. 


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So I feel a little fluffy...and I am throwing away my scale.


I am speaking in "fit terms." I always heard people talking about how they felt "fluffy," yet I never got it. My mentality was always like...

"Um, so you feel fat? That's great. It's called fat, not fluffy. No need to glamorize or cute it up!"

But now I get it. I can completely feel my muscles...but there are days that my skin and "fat" feel so much more prominent on top of them. My weight is the same as days I don't feel "fluffy," however I feel like I am so much bigger. Typically, it is water weight. I have started allocating my carbs to fit around my workouts, as well as introducing sodium back in my diet. This has been extremely difficult for me. I love me some carbs, and breakfast is the best time to eat them! I am not an egg lady...I do not enjoy it makes it difficult to eat something without carbs in the morning that doesn't completely ruin all my fats for the day (cough, cough BACON). With the introduction of these back into my life, I have gained a little weight. I am sitting at 121 and I feel like it may just be from water retention and daily fluctuations. My lowest was 118 when I started IIFYM...and I flip-flop between there and 121.

 Just as an example...check this out. I sodium and carb loaded for my "pre-six pack" pictures for our challenge that started the 15th. I ate whatever the heck I wanted for my cheat day:

Chocolate and Caramels
French Fries
PF Changs Deliciousness
The Great Wall of Chocolate Cake

And I got REALLY! bloated. And looked disgusting-I looked like I did before I started this journey! I seriously thought that I was going to die from how tight my stomach was; but that was the goal! So, here. Here is the pictures we took for our challenge. DISGUSTING!

However, check this out. This is the power of sodium and carb loading...within goes away! These pictures are taken less than 24 hours apart. That is INSANE.

I have been doing this IIFYM lifestyle for the past month or so. I actually really enjoy it, and it is a great lifestyle eating plan. It allows me to have great food in moderation...and NOT FREAK OUT! That being the case, I am still trying to determine what caloric value and macros suit me best. Right now I am competing in a "Six Pack Challenge" with Faruk and two I am low on calories (around 1250). I recently joined IIFYM Women on Facebook and they suggested I should be around 1550 cals a day to still see steady fat I am feeling it out. I am going to give myself the next couple weeks to see progress on 1250 and then go from there. 

In the meantime, I have had my Mom and friend Kelli join me on the IIFYM crusade. They have both started using this approach and have lost steady weight consistently! My mom is down 5 pounds in a month...and Kelli about the same! It is SO exciting to see something work for soooo many people...that is not that difficult! I am so proud of both of them.

I am new to this. And sometimes I feel like I am not making progress...but I have to be patient. This isn't a sprint, it is a marathon...and I have started out SO strong. I am learning about my body; what works and what doesn't. I am stronger and MUCH happier and confident.

I got this...and I am not finished yet!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Dang, apparently I am not a good Blogger!

Nearly another month until my last post...I am such a slacker.

I would say that it is because I am soooo busy, but I could make time. I guess it is just because I have been stuck in a rut. Frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, crazy...I have been feeling all of it. That being said, I could be better. I should be better.

On a side note, it has been amazing picking up a second family at the gym. I joke around with everyone, but I truly feel like a local celebrity. I know everyone, everyone knows me. Both the staff and regulars form such an amazing family.

Again over the last month, a lot has happened. I was sitting pretty stagnant for all of January and February at 120lbs. My body fat was steadily going down, but it still was bugging me. I started getting to the point where I was irritated. I was getting bitter about going to the gym. I didn't want to work out in the morning...or even at night. I had more fun shooting the shit with the 24hr staff than making it happen. Particularly on Tuesday nights...

I hate Tuesday nights at the gym. IT IS PACKED! I have no idea why. Seriously...why Tuesday nights?! About three weeks ago, I was bitching to my friend Nick at 24. I explained all of the above. I was worn out, tired, burnt out, scared, name it. I showed him my workout, which at the time was five sets of 20 reps of about 15-20 exercises. That in addition to my morning and evening cardio, abs and daily exercises...I was in over my head.

At that time, another trainer peeked his head around the wall and started listening to our conversation. He asked to see my diet and regiment...and was shocked. To be honest, I was shocked he was shocked. He told me that the diet I had and the routine I had was insane. He told me I was working too hard and eating too clean to only have seen the results I had. Excuse me, what?! I worked my ass off for the past four months, lost 10% body fat and 10lbs and you think I should have done better? Really.

At first I was pissed, thinking he was just being an asshole. But he actually was really nice about it. He started talking to me about my goals and the reasons why he thought what he did. He offered me the opportunity to come train with him for a session and just check it out. To be honest, I was kind of excited to vary it up. I had been told this by several people and trainers at the gym, so at this point, I was starting to second guess that I was doing the right thing. Plus, his dieting option seemed much more attractive to where I was I tried it. I met with him the following Saturday.


I was sweating in places I had never sweat before. Like literally, on my ribs. Weird. The workout was totally different. It wasn't completely weightlifting based; it was more focused on using my body to my advantage to strengthen me. I was, again, shocked. Oh, and by the way...the trainer's name is Faruk. Haha, after reading this over...I realized I said "he" a lot!

Well, needless to say, I was between a rock and a hard place. I felt like I got the most amazing work out from him, and yet still had another trainer, meal plan, workout plan...and competition to think about. What was I to do? I also had to think about how unhappy and mentally unstable I was becoming. I was a bitch. I complained. Everyone cracked jokes about it at work. I was becoming anxious and obsessed with the scale. I have had huge issues with my weight fluctuating before, to the extreme points of unhealthy behavior, and I felt it was getting to this point again. I truly would feel guilty if I ate a rice cake or banana when it wasn't on my meal plan for the day. I was making myself physically sick and obsessing over it. I knew that if I continued down the path I was on, I would physically exhaust myself and develop an eating disorder.

Upon talking to Faruk more, he seemed genuinely interested in wanting to help me. I know, what your thinking...he's a trainer, at a gym, his job is to sell you. And to an extent, you are right. But Faruk took the time to explain his processes, nutrition plans, experiences, success stories and passion to want to help me. He started talking about getting my metabolism back on track; looking at a more healthy way to cut...and eat enjoyable foods. He sent me a text that next day (Sunday), asking me to take the leap of faith and let him take me to where I wanted to be. What do I do? I love Rob. I love him as a friend and for all the success that he was giving me. But I couldn't do it anymore.

I decided to, regardless of who was training me, I was not ready for the show in April. Wah, Wah...that sucks! I knew that my muscle definition, body fat and body was not what it needed to be to have me be confident in going on stage. That being said, I wanted to see what Faruk's diet was all about. He had been talking about the "If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)" lifestyle, and frankly I had seen all about it all over the bodybuilding and fitness EVERYTHING! It looked like so much more enjoyable, and flexible.

I took that step. I started using his methods, setting up my macros for my diet change and working out a plan/regiment that would kick my ass in the gym. Within the first week, I lost two pounds. I couldn't believe it. While I am still sitting a week later at that same weight (118.2), I am enjoying my progress again. Faruk and I are working to get to my goals as they come. He is committed to making sure that we do this as successfully and safely as possible. We are taking it one step at a time! First step, Six-Pack Brett Seeley Ab Transformation Challenge. March 15th starts a 90-day challenge for the best team of 4 Ab Transformation. This is something we are working on together...and from there deciding which show to do. I have two options as of right now: July 12 Tokyo Joe's and August 22nd The Warrior Classic. We have plenty of time, between 18-24 weeks, and my goal is to be the fittest one there. I want a booty girls are envious of, abs men would die for! But I have to make sure I am OK first.

I am still training with Rob once a week and he has been supportive and understanding in knowing  I am not ready to do the Northern. He has gotten me from where I was- an unhappy, unconfident, sad lost girl to this amazing, confident, sassy, sexy woman. I know my worth and my value now. I can truly say I am proud of who I am and am not ashamed of anything about me anymore. I believe in myself.

P.S. Oh my gosh...I did my first posing class...HILARIOUS! I felt like the fat stripper. I never realized A). How painful it was going to be to pose-in stilettos-to make your muscles pop. Standing in awkward poses, for minutes on end, with fake ass smiles does not feel good at all! Plus, it showed me that I need to be confident as all get-out to make sure I can bust it out on stage.  I don't want to second guess myself and have that show...